A well to quench the thirst....A tree to provide shade....An antidote for the pain....A passage to freedom...A course to enrich the mind
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Possesion Vs. Love

Monday, June 22, 2009
A Moment of "Nothingness"

Constantly we are on the run. Let it be work, family life, daily chores etc. etc. Since the Sun rise to the night fall, we struggle to pass hundred hurdles, argue with thousand people, fight ten thousand problems, battle the army of hundred thousand unexpected circumstances and wrestle with one million feelings. How many of us would just stop, as in really STOP and take a long breath at least once just to refresh our energy and strength? Been caught up in the rat race, we ignore the simple things that can free us from the pain we suffer; may be not eternally but at least for one blissful moment. Normally we take a break in the form of going out with friends, night out at the cinema, dancing till we drop etc. However even then millions of feelings roam our mind and soul. There are even simpler things that can free us completely and transform our complex selves to a blank sheet. Now THAT is truly a break.
Take a moment from your busy, painful and complicated life and devote it merely to watch the sunset or see a butterfly scatter. Stand near a waterfall and listen to its rhythmic flow not only from your ears but from your heart and soul. Hear the innocent laughter of a child or see the trees dance to the breeze. Let go of all thoughts, deeds, responsibilities and feelings that cause pain and pressure. Experience the emptiness. Live the freedom. Clear the mind. Purify the soul. Feel the unexplainable sensation which I prefer to call “Nothingness”.
It won’t last for ever. It won’t solve all problems. It won’t grant you eternal peace. It is only momentary. Alas nothing last forever. However that single precious moment can be an enormous pressure releaser than one may anticipate. It’s a split second of simplicity; a getaway from the material world for sometimes it's just the time to rest and leave all your pain behind.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ever thought of THQM?

Even today millions die from starvation, curable (mind you) diseases, lack of clean drinking water (and this list too goes on and on). Countries owning advanced technologies and great amounts of resources express their sympathy over these issues making tons of vows, but take no action. (Actions do speak louder than words.) Where is technology outsourcing? Where is resource sharing? And most of all where is human empathy?
Japanese practice “Total Quality Management (TQM)” spread over the world with the arrival of emphasis on improving product and process quality. It served the purpose and was a success. It is high time a similar methodology was introduced to improve human quality (in order to make the world a caring and humane society once again). May be it could be called, “Total Human Quality Management (THQM)”?
Life, Love, Loss, Loneliness, Loyalty

They say life is to live not to suffer. But how many of us live life without suffering? The desperate attempts we make to live life sometimes in return make us suffer brutally. Most of the time we are either in confusion or desperation that we do not see things clearly or think clearly. Our high expectations, ambitious goals and overconfidence trigger pain and suffering when things start falling apart. Some of us always believe everything will be the way we want and do not realize that every thing has two possible outcomes; favourable and unfavourable. We only anticipate the favourable outcome and when it is the unfavourable outcome that arrives we take a blow since we had not been ready for it. Then there is the type that lack confidence. When things continuously go wrong, we conclude that life is going to be in misery forever. The thought itself leads us to misery and we live each day suffering.
Love is a word connected with many other words; trust, understanding, friendship and happiness. How many of us gone through love without trust? Without understanding? Without friendship? Without happiness? Love is a wonderful thing that is unfortunately taken for granted by most of us. Love may not be able to move mountains but still it can generate certain changes in people. At most it can change a person’s entire life. My personal opinion is that love is not just about getting into a relationship, living with the person, having kids etc. Instead it’s about wanting the best for the other person. Sometimes we love those who don’t love us back. Sometimes we love those who we cannot have. Sometimes we find it hard to feel the same way about those who actually love us. One cannot force himself or herself to love someone. On the other hand it is said that love needs conscious commitment in order to sustain. But if it’s only commitment and no love, then is there anything to be sustained at all? What more explanation is needed to illustrate love’s complexity?
Along the path of life we gain things and we lose things. It’s easily said but not widely accepted. Many of us find it impossible to let go of the things we love; people we love. We try so hard to hold on even when we know for sure that we have lost it/them; let it be a break up, death of a loved one, loss of a lifeless property that meant so much to us.
We do not realize that even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunsets. Letting go is not easy but it’s not impossible. Most of us just don’t even give it a try. Sometimes we have to lose someone to get that someone. Sometimes we have to lose something to get that something. When we lose things only we realize how much they have meant to us. While they are there, we merely take them for granted and don’t realize how precious they are until we have let them slip through our fingers. Then at the last moment we struggle to hold on alas only to lose it even more. The more we try to stretch a rubber band the ultimate result will be that at one point it will break. You might tie up the two pieces but it will never be the same old strong band anymore. How many of us realize this before the band is broken?
Each of us is born alone and dies alone, but loneliness is something that we cannot come to terms with. Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean that one is lonely. At times even when we are all alone we may not feel lonely. However there are times we feel lonely even when we are with a large crowd. The fear of loneliness could even become a mental illness if abnormal and persistent. Some of us have trouble distinguishing between independence and solitude. Loss and loneliness go hand in hand. Most of us who experience loss of something/someone experience loneliness afterwards. How many times have we thought everybody else has this or that but I don’t, everybody else does this or that but I can’t? All of us have experienced it not once or twice but many a times during our short life span.
Loyalty goes a long way with trust and commitment; faithfulness and devotion; honesty and truthfulness. However loyalty should not be there merely for the sake of existence. When one falls out of love while in a relationship, some may define loyalty as still hanging on due to commitment and devotion. However is it being truthful or honest? Isn’t expressing the true feelings being loyal too? A obedient daughter not accepting the hand of her love in order to be loyal to her parents who oppose their matrimony; a sacrifice made out of loyalty. We the humans are experts in waiting till the last moment to make things right; wait until everything has gone wrong to realize the mistakes we have made.
All these things have become so complicated since we never realize that even the most beautiful days will eventually have its sunsets. In life we hesitate to make certain decisions but it’s always better late than never. Even the best things may not last forever. Things happen when we least expect them to be. How many of us are actually ready to accept these facts and be ready for what ever comes our way? How many of us stand strong and firm what ever garbage life throws at us and move on? Having a firm and strong mental status that stands even the severest test of fate is the key in making life, love, loss, loneliness and loyalty simple to deal with. The key is not lost. It’s there out in the open. We are just too blind to see it and too lazy to pick it up. Make the extra effort, pick it up and open the door to simplicity, contentment and happiness.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A Wake-up Call!

The thirty year old brutal war has come to an end. A victory that stimulated grand celebrations across our small island. The prolonged fear of war is finally thrown out the window and is replaced with a feeling of hope and relief. But is it all over? Now that the war is over, should we just get on with our daily deeds as if nothing happened?
The aftermath of a war is complicated. Dealing with it may be even more difficult than facing the war. And it is our duty that we see to it that no more such wars are created. It is our duty that no more ‘Prabhakarans’ will ever walk on this island. At present fabricated news is been spread around the world regarding the war and its aftermath. The ultimate consequence of these shameless acts motivated by certain self-interested individuals and groups with greed of power and lucre, could be the recreation of hatred, grudge and misunderstanding. It was the same hatred, grudge and misunderstanding that decades ago created the vicious plague of war that ruined our country.
The painful memories of the Black July still haunt the minds of Tamils. They cannot be blamed, for how much we try, we still fear the past. Even in our personal lives when we have encountered painful experiences in the past, however hopeful we are about the future, the fear of history repeating itself will always linger at the back of our minds. This is human nature. But this time history will NOT repeat itself. This message should be voiced. As much as we ensure eachother’s safety, we should do our best to push aside the fears and embrace new hope.
But should we let a few self-interested parties from both races ruin our unity? Should we let them benefit from our misunderstanding? Should we just sit and watch till all these lead up to another war that can devastate all of us?I say NO. We the next generation of Mother Lanka must set the records right. We the young blood must voice our opinion. We the educated, intelligent youth must let the world know the truth. Most of the generation that divided our nation due to race, became racists and gave in to political agendas is dead and gone. The rest will be gone with time. We are smarter, wiser and cleverer. And THIS is a new era.Therefore let us take a stand against the misinterpretations and fictions spreading throughout the world. How can people living outside the country know what exactly happens within the country? They have the right to know the truth but NOT the fictional truth spread by turncoats. Hence it is our duty to see to it that it is the truth that is been told. This does NOT mean whitewashing the government or the bureaucracy.
Make an effort..whether you are here or abroad. Even the slightest will count. I know each and every one of you have something that can be used in this mission….let it be PR skills, IT skills, writing ability, contacts, etc. you all have the potential. Make use of the free education you received. Make use of the international media, blogs and what ever you can think of. Support it with facts, evidence, references and testemonies.
Therefore please let your voice be heard. Tell the world that we don’t want another war. Tell the world we will stand up for our rights as Sri Lankans NOT as individual races. Go against the norm. Find and use means to get your voice across the globe especially to those who are targeted by these self-interested traitors. Enlighten them about who we are, what really went on, our stand against violence and that we will NOT tolerate another war.Can we make a difference? YES WE CAN!
United, we can…..United, we shall……