Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Her Heart

It lies out in the dirt
Been run over, walked over, crushed over
Bit by bit losing its original shape and form
No longer pumping warm blood
But a cold dark liquid frozen
On the empty street
Soon it will heal on its own
Every time it does.
To be pampered again,
Tickled by tender touch
Fooled by false promises
And then when least expected,
Once again,
To be crushed

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Lavatory

One drop, two drops
Another makes it three
The monitor screen blurring
And that’s the final warning; the red flag
Flood walls cannot hold any longer.
The four walls of the lavatory
Made of concrete
Yet so sentimental, melt
Like an iceberg at the Equator
Not once, nor twice but
Every time her barriers wear thin
And the tears gush out
Into the pale wash basin
Like the monsoon floods,
Listen to her silent weeping
Absorbing her pain
Into its thick plaster
To be concealed from the world
Until the lachrymal have dried out
Till the next time…..

Friday, September 21, 2012

Being a Vegetable

Yes, I haven’t written in a long time
What can I write?
When all thoughts are gone
When all words are lost
Without a trace
Into the thin air
I just stare
At the moving figures on my tv set
Do they make any sense?
Highly doubt it
Does it matter?
Have no clue
Should I do something about it?
Can’t be bothered
So yes, I haven’t written in a long time.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Man in the Dark

You stand in the shadows

The melancholy well covered by the darkness the light brings
The tears locked in the lachrymals, the key thrown away.
Your enormous heart beating in silence
Your enormous heart that once beat so loud and strong
Your enormous heart, no one could see nor feel
Oh those unlucky ones, who couldn’t see the worthy of you
Let them carry their darkness with them,
Let them rejoice the mistakes they made.
In a second a heart breaks, to mend forever it takes.
But let no pain poison your heart
For it is a jewel of the rarest kind.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

You and I

Two strangers meet at the Pacific of misery.
The tide is high
The wind too strong
A single soul against the surge is like,
An autumn leaf about to fall.
They make a deal with words unspoken
Mending two hearts scarred and broken
A sail weaved with two souls instead of one
Creating more thrust against the wind of change
Wrestling against the tidal waves of pain
Finally arriving at the shore of peace and happiness
One on the East and the other on the West

We were fated to meet but never destined to be….together.

Wasting Time

You know me, I know you
But we pretend, not to know
So let’s chase our thoughts around the block
Shovel our feelings into a little black box
Scream louder than the voices in our heads
Till we both can agree, that it’s just too late

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Housewife's Daily Chronicle

5.00 a.m.
The alarm starts screaming,
Finally silenced by my hammering
Cursing I drag my feet from Dreamland to Reality
Make a gallon of morning bed tea
Spend the next fifteen minutes at the little one’s bed
Trying to wake him up from his fairy-dreamed slumber
Taking a break every 4 minutes to shout at top of my lungs
To get the two lazy teenagers out of their beds.
It’s the same medicine for the man of the house.
As they brush, wash, comb and dress
I chop, simmer, boil, mix and stir
While being the location navigator
For missing socks, hair pins, ties and shoes.

One by one they leave the house
It's like the Monsoon came to an end....till the afternoon
I let myself fall onto on the porch,
Pour myself a cup of coffee
And sip slowly while the mind makes strategic plans
For the rest of the day
Piled up laundry, cleaning and sweeping                                                                                                       
Lunch : bake, roast, grill, steam, fry
Dinner: Settle for take away
An overdose of favors,
From ironing the next days’ clothes to helping with homework
As the list of chores goes sky rocketing
I switch to Martini Ross.

The clock hands do their Salsa and time flies at light speed
Finally the Sun sets and the day close in.
Time for my one minute meditation,
While taking the night shower
Slowly I crawl into the bed
With every muscle in my body screaming for a good night sleep
Alas, my man has not fallen asleep yet
He looks at me the way he did on our honeymoon
and murmurs in a husky voice
I look at him matter-of-factly
Oh no Honey, not tonight.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Lied to,
Finally thrown away.
And all I did was, love.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Rose

A dazzling rose in full bloom
With her petals glowing with the warmth of the sun rays
Permeating hundreds of miles with her fragrance
Dancing in the wind enjoying its solitude
Until it’s time for it to be cut from the stem
To be wrapped in polythene,
Sold at the local market
Suffocate to a lonely death………………

Stolen Moments

I lay helplessly on the lonely road, blood gushing out
From where the mugger’s sharp blade left a deep wide hole.
As my life drains second by second
And my spirit leaves the body bit by bit,
Angel of Death appears before me to strike one last bargain.
I need to give him the happiest moments of my life
And in turn he will give me more time on earth
A few seconds from here and a few minutes from there
Can make up a few more hours of my life
Till some stranger finds me and call 911.
The more I give, the more I would receive
But my life will not be the same
With those memories gone, my past altered,
The future, a complete darkness.
But then, what’s the single thing in life that comes risk-free?

As the pool of blood widens, as the pain intensifies
The desire to live grows from every vein, every nerve, every muscle
He is asking for the day when I as a 12-year-old, got my Labrador,
The time that I passed my driving test and my parents gifted me the old volkswagen
The day of my graduation, my first book publication,
The time I spent with the best of my friends
That moment I saw Her for the first time,
Every second we spent together; making love, making war, then making up.
The moment when I proposed to her and she said ‘Yes’
My first son’s birth, his first step, his first tooth, his first word
Then the arrival of the second son and his “first”s.

I barely manage to whisper a No.